Hello! It's been one month since the last update! But I came to bring good news, for those who were waiting the page "media" to be updated. So let's start it in a good way, with a very rare live video of Yoeko, a mini-live held inside the Kyoto Tower, which I found these days in Niconico Douga (credit goes to anonymous who uploaded this!). So give it a try, click
media and download the video from Mediafire. The password is there, too. Some songs in this concert are not full, but most of them are. Still, it's a nice video with songs from Tokyo Piano and earlier played solo in keyboard.
PS: I've also added lyrics for the only missing song in Tokyo Piano, "amefuri". You can check it in
lyrics page.
Hello. writing through a translator, since she is Russian, and English do not know.
I downloaded the file from the media section, but it does not open as unknown format.
in which format you have downloaded media?
Already figured out. Sorry, that diverted
Hi Felipe,
I appologice beforehand since my question does not have anything to do with your post. I didn't find a forum to ask so, that's that.
Anyway, I would like to ask you whether you know a source where I can get notes for Yoeko's songs. Mainly for vocals but also for the instruments.
>Hi Mash!
I'm glad you got to download the video! I hope you keep looking forward the website for more media! :)
>Hello M.Marech!
Unfortunately, I don't know any websites with scores for Yoeko Kurahashi. Though sometimes someone uploads videos of MIDI scores like those (http://bit.ly/iEenAR you have to get an account on NicoNico Douga to watch them, if you need help on this please contact me), which can be useful... but they are just a few.
The other alternative is buying this (http://amzn.to/kkwFzD) score book released on 2007. This has been out of print since a long time, and recently they reprinted it, so I must say it's a good time to purchase cause it will soon be out of print again. This scorebook has her hit songs like:
01 kanshateki seikatsu
02 mamagoto
03 love letter
04 tsuyuiro kouta
05 torarekei
06 ningen yametemo
07 shizumeru machi
08 radio
09 tokyo
10 shiroi hata
11 tate
12 haru no uta
13 natsu
14 ryuusei
15 sakuramichi
16 son to uso
17 shiro no sekai
Thanks for your quick and informative answer. I'll try to get my hands on the score book. Though it will be hard to order something from amazon-jp without a credit card...
Anyway thanks again, site is pretty good for non-japanese speaking fans.
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